Focus on web development. We do the rest.

DevHaven allows developers to focus on HTML, CSS and JavaScript and generate apps for iOS and Android, test them and publish them. Our service avoids the need for a Mac computer to build and test, and for installation and maintenance of OS X, Apache Cordova, Android SDK, Xcode and other software tools.

Handcrafted Website Design

Create apps in HTML

Stay focused on HTML/CSS/JavaScript. Gain access to device features. Commit to Git/Mercurial. And let DevHaven do the rest.

Responsive Web Design (RWD)

Infrastructure cost reduction

No need to buy a Mac to build for iOS. No need to install and maintain OS X, Xcode, Android SDK or any other software.

Interactive Website

See your software evolve / Versioning

Watch how many tests pass or fail in your builds and how this evolves in successive builds. Identify each build after the version codes tagged in your repository.

Website Content Management System (CMS)

Easy to budget

We rent SLOTS. One slot is 99€/month. You have CPU, memory and disk of yourself to build, test and release as much as you want.

Website Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

From user requirements to tests

We support Appium to automate end-to-end tests. Translate user requirements into Appium tests. Unit tests supported too!

Website Contact Form

Deliver to testers, customers and app stores

Automated tests are not everything. Send your apps to manual testers, to your customers or directly to app stores.

Infrastructure alerts

Receive notifications when your dedicated resources cannot deal with the pace in which you generate builds, thus delaying them. Coordinate your team to build more reasonably or rent more slots.

Website Google Maps

Multi-user access

Invite more users to your account and define what they can do in DevHaven: download the software built, see test results, create new rules to trigger builds, manage the account, etc. Manage users in your DevHaven account with fine grain.

Screenshot generation

Screenshot generation

Create automated tests that browse your app. Generate screenshots at any moment. Feel free to automate screenshot generation to be used in app stores or in your own marketing publications.

Website Social Media Integration

Add more resources

After receiving infrastructure alerts, warning about your slot being overloaded with builds, rent additional slots if needed. DevHaven will dispatch builds across your slots seamlessly.

Website Frequently Asked Questions

More development technologies

Apache Cordova targeting iOS and Android is only the beginning. We shall listen to your votes to add more target platforms for Cordova and more development technologies (native iOS and Android projects, backend technologies, etc.)

Website Testimonials

Tests with actual devices

Make your test scripts point to your own Appium server, with actual devices connected. Use the power of DevHaven with your own device laboratory. Borrow devices and add test results of specific devices to specific builds.

Easy workflow

Commit your code to a repository. Add the repository to DevHaven. Tell DevHaven which branch to watch. Sit down.



  • Create a Cordova project.
  • Put your code in the www folder.
  • Set config.xml to define:
    • metadata
    • configuration
    • plugins
    • hooks
    • icons
    • splash screens
  • Commit to Git or Mercurial.
Define Screenshot

Watch the repository

  • Create a project in DevHaven
  • Give it a name
  • Provide a description
  • Specify the URL of your repository
  • Select the development technology used in the project. Initially, only Cordova is available, but we shall add more soon!
  • Indicate username and password for DevHaven to access your code

Start Now

Design Screenshot

Specify when to trigger a build

  • Create a Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery rule
  • Give it a name and description
  • Select if you want to trigger a build upon each commit or at a specific time
  • Select the branch(es) of the repository to be watched
  • Indicate the test scripts to run on your code
  • Indicate iOS certificates and provisioning profiles, Android signing keys and App Stores credentials to sign your application
Start Now

Develop Screenshot

See your software evolve

  • View the status of the last version of all your software projects.
  • Review the history of all your builds.
  • Analyse each specific build by watching which tests passed on which device.
  • You do not need to pay attention all the time: Receive mail notifications after the end of each build.
  • Download the variant of your application required in each context: for emulator, for test device, for enterprise distribution or directly from the app store.
Start Now

Develop Screenshot


What is a product website without any testimonials from customer? You will find some here soon!


And, of course, we shall show in detail how some of our customers are using DevHaven! So far we are showing you quickly a typical workflow in DevHaven in the video below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Dozens questions arise when you face a novel service like DevHaven. We are gathering all your questions below. Click and find the answer; otherwise, contact us

We shall start serving general audience in Winter 2015/2016. In the meantime, we want to start trying the service with actual users, acquiring them little by little via an invitation program. You can use our contact form to join the invitation program. We shall soon respond with a login and password for you to start using DevHaven.
We provide you with an easily configurable system to define rules to trigger builds, release your apps to your QA team, customers or directly to app stores. DevHaven tells you when new software is ready so you do not have to be polling all the time. We allocate CPU, memory and hard disk for your build processes. We maintain operating systems and build/test software tools, keeping them all up-to-date as new versions of each of them are released. We know how much it takes and we recommend you to focus on the quality of your project. Believe us! In addition, we are preparing more features to make the process of creating software even more profitable for you.
Request a customization in our pricing section. We are open to adapting DevHaven to other development technologies and testing frameworks. We promise we shall respond with a tender soon.
Your DevHaven environment will be updated in a few days. Seamlessly. And we shall announce its availability to you.
You choose. Suggest the ones that you need via our contact form.

Contact Us

Have a question not listed above? Click the button below or see full contact information.


Simple. 99€/month and build for iOS and Android with Apache Cordova as much as you want. If you have further requirements, such as other development technologies (including backend technologies) or target operating systems, please contact us.

Apache Cordova Other technologies


Contact us!

Apache Cordova for iOS and AndroidMore Information Included Included
VersioningMore Information Included Included
Build/test in the cloudMore Information Included Included
Test evolution historyMore Information Included Included
Deliver to testers/customers/app stores More Information Included Included
End-to-end appium tests More Information Included Included
Unit and integration tests More Information Included Included
Additional Cordova platforms More Information Included
Additional development technologies More Information Included
On-Premise DevHaven deployment More Information Included
Integration with project management tools More Information Included
Invitation Ask for more!

DevHaven es una herramienta para la gestión del ciclo de vida del software. Este proyecto está siendo subvencionado por el IDEPA y cofinanciado por el FEDER, a través del programa EBT 2014, así como por el Plan de Ciencia y Tecnología del Principado de Asturias 2013-2017 (proyecto IDE/2015/00709).